Kristi Runyan

Writer, Content Specialist, Journalist, Storyteller.

Tenancy In Common: What It Is And How It Works

When it comes to owning property, there’s no shortage of ways to define it and achieve it. Tenancy in common is one of the most common types of property ownership. The others are tenancy in severalty, joint tenancy and tenancy by entirety.

Let’s start with basic definitions of each and how they compare.

As mentioned, this refers to equal or unequal undivided ownership between two or more people. A key characteristic of this type of ownership is that if one owner dies, their share is conveyed t

The Best Modular Home Manufacturers

Finding the right builder is a vital part of the process when opting for a modular home. With the right builder, making your modular home dreams come true is more likely. The wrong builder could put a wrench in your modular home plans.

Below are some tips for deciding which modular home manufacturer will build your dream home with the craftsmanship you’re seeking.

The floor plans offered by a modular home builder are arguably the most important factor. For prospective homeowners, the layout an

Data Hygiene 101: A Complete Guide for 2023

By 2025, it’s estimated that the total data volume of connected devices worldwide . And the more data businesses have to process, the more difficult it becomes to manage and ensure its accuracy. This is why you need to have the proper protocols in place to protect data hygiene.
• None How to clean and create a shared data dictionary with Twilio Segment

Data hygiene is the ongoing process of you collect to maintain its integrity and accuracy (e.g., removing duplicate entries, standardizing namin

What is reliable data? How to determine data reliability

There’s a difference between collecting data and being able to guarantee its accuracy. Human error, a disjointed , and no unified policy can easily lead to .

Poor data quality costs organizations nearly . To avoid this, businesses need to focus on how they’re cleaning, consolidating, and managing their data to help them make informed decisions.

To help paint a picture of what data reliability means, in this article, we’ll cover:
• None How to improve data reliability with the experts at Twilio

Degenerative Myelopathy in Dogs | Pet Insurance

Finding out your dog has an untreatable or incurable illness can be a pet owner’s worst nightmare. Unfortunately, that’s the heartbreaking situation human companions can find themselves in when their dog is diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy (DM).

There are a lot of unknowns following a DM diagnosis, so it’s important for dog owners to be aware of the signs and symptoms of degenerative myelopathy in dogs. It’s also a good idea to know your options to help keep your pet mobile and comfortabl

How Much Does It Cost to Spay or Neuter a Dog? | Pet Insurance

Deciding whether or not to spay or neuter your dog is a very important decision. Studies have shown that spayed and neutered dogs have longer lifespans.2 Neutered dogs are expected to live 13.8% longer, while spayed female dogs can boast a life expectancy of 26.3% longer. This can add anywhere from 7-10 years onto your dog’s life. But as a pet owner, what are the logistics of a surgery like this? Let’s take a look at the cost of spay and neuter surgeries.

Whether you’re considering spaying or n

Dog Cataract Surgery Cost | Pet Insurance

None of us like to think about our dogs aging, but it’s a fact we all must face. One symptom of aging is vision deterioration. While mild vision loss is normal and shouldn’t be cause for concern, cataracts are another story. They can cause your dog pain, and if left untreated, could lead to total blindness. But can dogs have cataract surgery? Absolutely.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about cataract treatment for dogs. We’ll break down the causes, cost of the surgery, what catarac

Stenotic Nares Surgery Cost for Dogs | Metlife Pet Insurance

Does your dog breathe heavily often or snort frequently? While you may see it as one of the many cute quirks you love about your pet, it could be a sign of a more serious respiratory issue that needs medical attention.

Stenotic nares surgery is performed on specific dog breeds to help them overcome respiratory problems. Typically, you can expect the stenotic nares surgery cost to be anywhere between $500 and $2,000.1 Veterinarians often perform stenotic nares surgery at the same time a dog is a

How Orthopedic Patient Education Improves Outcomes

Discussing the ways orthopedic patient education can improve outcomes by equipping patients with realistic expectations and knowledge about what to expect.

When you were in medical school, you likely noticed a correlation between how much you studied and how well you did on your exams. The same principle applies to patient education and outcomes after a procedure or treatment.

Patient education before an orthopedic procedure covers strategies like details about the procedure, home safety, anti

Selling a Medical Practice: A Guide for Private Practice Orthopedics

This article covers how to sell a medical practice for orthopedic surgeons and provides tips from the start of the process until the sale itself.

Owning and operating a private medical practice is a deeply personal endeavor. Physicians and patients develop bonds and a sense of trust that often lasts for years, sometimes even a generation. Orthopedic physicians and surgeons who own their own practice are no exception. They wear the hats of both a caring physician and a business owner. Over the y

4 Applications of 3D Printing in Orthopedics

Discover how 3D printing in orthopedics is revolutionizing the industry and benefiting patients and surgeons alike.

Also called additive manufacturing, 3D printing is exciting, cutting-edge technology — but that doesn’t mean it’s out of reach for orthopedic surgeons. A digital file is used to create a physical object by fusing a material together, usually layer by layer, in three-dimensional printing. Traditional printing process manufacturing methods require a mold or a block of material to cr

Top Orthopedic Journals by Subspecialty

This list of the top orthopedic journals is broken down by subspecialty and includes descriptions, Impact Factor ratings, and examples of articles.

You’re considering a new approach to hip surgery. So, you sit down to research what other orthopedic surgeons are doing (and not doing). The problem? A quick search for relevant medical journals produces lists but not much else.

When researching surgical techniques, strategies for treatment, or case studies, orthopedic surgeons need a simplified re

A go-to Paleo diet food list for beginners in 2023

• Whole foods like vegetables, fruit, and meats are the focus of the paleo diet.
• The paleo diet is restrictive—but includes lots of nutrient-dense foods.
• Modified paleo diets are common and can offer flexibility.

Fish, honey, nuts, meat, and seeds—what do all of these foods have in common? These are all foods that early humans in the Paleolithic era likely hunted, gathered, or fished to eat. But they’re also ones that paleo dieters rely on today.

If you’ve decided to go back to the basics

50 paleo diet recipes to satisfy and help you reach your goals

When you follow the paleo diet and eat whole foods like an ancient hunter-gatherer, finding modern recipes can be tricky.

While paleo doesn’t allow grain or dairy, spices and herbs are still on the table—so you can still get creative in the kitchen and enjoy delicious meals.

To help you out, we’ve collected 50 easy, nutritious paleo recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and more.

You might think breakfast on the paleo diet is going to consist of a lot of eggs, and yes, there are lots of eggs

67 easy Mediterranean diet recipes for beginners

So you’ve decided to try the Mediterranean diet, which is based on the traditional foods of countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece. To help you out, we’ve gathered easy recipes to get you started.

The Mediterranean is less restrictive than other popular diets, like keto or paleo—but dishes still need to focus on vegetables, fruit, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats.

Read on for 67 Mediterranean diet recipes full of fresh Mediterranean ingredients and flavors for each meal and snack

A beginner’s guide to the paleo diet

• The paleo diet focuses on whole foods eaten by early humans of the Paleolithic era.
• Studies suggest that following a paleo diet may help avoid modern health concerns, like heart disease and diabetes.
• Paleo can help with weight loss but also has some drawbacks, including expense and not being able to enjoy your favorite foods.

The diet that our Paleolithic ancestors ate millions of years ago has made a comeback in modern times, with many people believing that cavemen were onto something.

7 Customer Support Quality Assurance Tools to Level Up Your Customer Interactions

7 Customer Support Quality Assurance Tools to Level Up Your Customer Interactions

Your quality assurance (QA) methods are tried and true, but at some point, you’ll find yourself overwhelmed by the repetitive tasks. If any of these telltale signs sound familiar, that’s a good indicator that it’s time to upgrade your support process to an automated customer service quality assurance tool:
• You’re spending more time analyzing customer interactions than implementing feedback and improving the supp

5 Ways To Reduce Customer Effort (From Basic to AI)

5 Ways To Reduce Customer Effort (From Basic to AI)

Customers want quick, simple, and satisfying experiences when they engage in customer service interactions.

But often, these exchanges result in extended waits, being transferred from one agent to another multiple times, or having to repeat the same information over and over again. Or when it comes to chatbot services, customers don’t always receive the same assistance as they would with a live agent. Chatbots are in the business of case defl

6 Common SMS Marketing Mistakes (+ How To Fix Them) | Community

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Let’s explore six of the most common SMS marketing mistakes and some solutions to fix them.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can enhance the experience of your consumers on their most valued channel — SMS. Consumers are 209% more responsive to SMS than email or phone calls. By listening to your audience’s wants and needs, brands can engage consumers in a personal way and avoid SMS marketing mistakes.

The message is long, confusing, and completely im

Customer Service Quality Assurance: What It Is & Why It's Important

Customer Service Quality Assurance: What It Is & Why It’s Important

A customer contacts your call center for help using a recently purchased product. After the issue was successfully resolved, they received a survey asking, “On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy were you with your experience today?” They select 9, which reflects your support team’s great processes, right? Not necessarily.

The customer could have selected 9 simply because they love the product, your overall brand, or were in a good

3 key business initiatives where legal departments can drive progress

Today’s legal professionals should be strategic partners in the decision-making process at their businesses. Instead of just being brought in to handle problems or to review a contract, you have an opportunity to step up and lead game-changing initiatives.

But it’s not as easy as that. Legal teams are often viewed as the “No Police,” according to Onit’s Enterprise Legal Reputation (ELR) Report. 61% of the ELR respondents see legal teams as bureaucratic, and 73% of respondents in France said the

What is first contact resolution (FCR)? Benefits + best practices

Imagine you just bought a new device you’re excited to use. You follow the set-up instructions to a T, but it’s not working. Eventually, you’re left with no option but to call customer service. The agent pinpoints the problem, and boom—you’re on your way.

There’s something to be said about the relief you feel when a customer service rep helps you resolve an issue quickly. You pick up the phone expecting the worst—a long hold time and multiple transfers—and you hang up feeling grateful for the g

What is high-touch customer service? (+ how to deliver it)

It’s okay to use automation in both low-touch and high-touch environments, but it needs to be helpful, not infuriating. The goal is to make things easier for customers—whether they’re receiving low-touch or high-touch support.

Even if your customer service options are already pretty good, there’s always room to level up. Follow these tips to earn customers’ trust and form authentic, long-lasting relationships through high-touch support.

They can proactively fix issues before they happen becaus
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"Kristi's ability to capture the essence of our company's value proposition and effectively communicate our messaging was truly remarkable. Her dedication to understanding our brand and target audience allowed her to create engaging and informative blog posts that resonated with our readers. She consistently produced high-quality content that not only showcased her writing prowess but also helped strengthen our online presence and build credibility.

One of Kristi's outstanding strengths is her research skills. She consistently went above and beyond in gathering relevant and up-to-date information, ensuring that her blog posts were well-informed and accurate. Whether it was diving deep into industry trends, interviewing experts, or analyzing market data, Kristi always delivered well-researched and insightful articles that brought immense value to our readers."

Ryan Radcliff, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at SupportLogic